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Turning Bad Memories Upside-Down

We can be awfully hard on ourselves sometimes. We may not even realize our struggle to accept God's grace.

We can look on back at that girl of our past and feel so sad for her. Or angry. Is that me? Did that really happen? Did I really make that choice? Listening for God's words in our hearts can sometimes feel just so hard.

It can be overwhelming to experience, even in little tastes, just how much God loves us. We hear about Him never leaving us, how He walks with us during the most difficult experiences of our lives (Psalm 147:3, Psalm 34:18, Psalm 23). He has been with us in our mess. And He loves us more than we can understand.

Yet, when we see ourselves as more broken than loved, more of a mess-up than a daughter of beauty whom He adores, we can struggle to believe we are going to be okay.

But we need to let Him help us to try.

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How to Fight on Monday Morning

This Monday can feel heavy, a weight we carry. It is the expectation to not expect anything good. But we push through.We push through because we remember these days are not supposed to be easy.We push through because in the difficulty, the doubt, we choose to remember we are not alone.We choose to remember the God of Joshua, who went before and conquered armies and fulfilled every promise.We choose to remember the God of Eve and Adam in the garden, who walked with his daughter and son and delighted in being with them.We choose to remember the God of Moses and Elijah, who calls each of us by name. Read More . . .

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