She Wants to Pray for You


In California, the rain is pouring down. White blossoms sail sideways to black pavement. A wet crow walks on careful feet, looking for worms, then flies to where I can't see. Come on, Father, keep pouring down. When I run this morning, I let the water fall on my head. And this afternoon again, I walk outside and I don't pull up the hood on my raincoat. Come on, Father, keep pouring down. The drought we've faced makes rain reminder of miracle. This parched earth cries out.

And I am so thirsty too, so parched for God.

Come on, Father, keep pouring down.Last night, too sick to go to the marriage group Justin and I were scheduled to attend, we stay home. I pull my hair into a ponytail; I step into the soft grey track pants that make me smile. And I think about the women who come here, and the women of Loop, and the women who share their hearts in whispered prayers typed out on blank white screens. In emails you share with me stories of trial and faith, stress and heartache. You share uncertainty and disappointment. You share the miraculous ways God comes through and reminds you how you are not alone. You encourage me in your faith, your choosing God's strength when times are hard. I want you to know each other's names.

I want you to gather and listen for God's voice together.

I've been praying, Father, come, keep pouring down. So, on that night when the rain poured down in my little California bungalow, and I was tucked inside, so happy to be home and warm and dry, I wrote a post over at Loop's page on Facebook, asking if Loop devotional readers would want to have a place to get to know one another, share their hearts with one another, and pray. And nearly two hundred women said yes. So, in a little corner of the internet, on Facebook, the prayer group, Loop Prayer Sisters was born. It is a closed group, which means that only members, and not people outside the group, can see what's on the page. So, I am praying it is a place where women seeking God's voice in their lives can find community, sisterhood, encouragement. I am praying it a place where women can be vulnerable with one another, trusting that the Holy Spirit leads and is the safe place. This is how I introduce it on the page: And this Friday, when this group was born, women have been gathering, sharing the most beautiful, vulnerable things. Sisters are stepping up, grabbing hold of a sister's hand, whispering to her God's truth: you are loved; you are not alone. This burden you feel? Let's lift it up to our God together.

You, my sisters, are stunning in how you love.

Incline your ear and come to me . .  (Isaiah 55:3). For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them (Matthew 18:20).

Praying in sisterhood, saying "I am here, let's lean into God together," might be one of the most powerful, life-changing things we can do together. This is your invitation to join with other sisters, listen to one another's heart, trust God's voice and presence, and pray. If you are on Facebook, and you want to join this new community of women joining in sisterhood for one another, click right here and ask to join. How wonderful it will be to see you there. Come on, Father, keep pouring down.




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