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stand up now. you're not lost at all

You are His daughter, His chosen one. You are no mistake. Say this with me, will you?  I reject that I am not enough, that my life is small. My heart yearns to align with Yours. It breaks for the hurting, crying out, in the darkness, for more light. With You, Father, I stand. With Your Son, Father, I walk. I hold tight, wanting nothing to separate me from You. I reject the lie that I have no voice, that my life is not significant, that I have nothing to contribute, that the place where You have me lacks meaning. I reject that I am alone, that I am isolated, that no one understands the cries of the world's pain. I reject that You don't hear my prayers, that You don't speak, that You only speak to the chosen, that You have favorites, that You love some more than others.

I reject that I am lost and could never be found.

I declare that You have taken my sin, the darkness of my heart. You take it now, my frustration, my caring about other people's opinions more than Yours. You help me be obedient and not want to own the outcome of my surrender. This life is not mine. Remind me Father, and take it, again: It is Yours. I declare with all the Saints that You are all I need, that I will stand with You, go where You call me to go, claim this voice You have given me and that Satan has tried to hide. Let me see only Your face. I declare that I will not hide from this heart—that at its foundation, my beginning, my being knit together, with You in me, I am good; I am holy. You are big enough to take away any darkness that lurks and wants to lessen my faith.

I declare that I will take up my sword and fight this battle with You, my Lord.

I declare that You have come and defeated all darkness. I stand with You, fighting for the hearts of the women around me, the hearts of the people You call me to love, the lives You love more than Your own. With You in me? Yes, I can love like that, Father. Let me forget myself, stand with Your truth in me, see only Your face, and Love. I will not accept anything less.  I don't even know what Love is without You. And You show me, Jesus. And I say this knowing, from the truth You give me, that You bring glory to this world. I say this knowing that You, Jesus, have come to share with us the glory that You had with the Father before You came, the glory that was within You, because of the glory of Him in You. You brought down Life to us when You came.

Spirit, You are in me. With You in me, I have that Glory, too.  I have the Father in me, too.

My life is only for the purpose of being loved by You and, from that Love, pointing hearts to You. I don't do that well, Father, unless I lay down all in me that threatens to get in the way, all lies that want to penetrate and stick, all wounds that I don't want to surrender for You to heal, all ways that I want to keep in the darkness and not bring into the Light. Bring me into the Light, Jesus. Let me stay there, Your eyes on my face, my eyes locked with Yours. Hold me close, give me strength to love. You came, Jesus, as a voice to the broken, to mend our hearts, to bring hope and make ashes rise from death and bondage to freedom and Life. Humble me, Father.  Take this life.  Let me rise, loving well, with You. Amen