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Jonah Werner's Run, the New Album I Love {a Giveaway}

Once upon a time, there was a Colorado boy who wrote and sang and created community around the truth that we are whom Christ came to save. Jonah Werner came to know Christ through Young Life and has spent more than a decade pursuing the heart that his Father gave him, connecting other hearts to God through stories of real life, truth and music.  He writes songs and travels internationally leading worship at Young Life camps because he doesn't want people — and especially youth — to not know Jesus' love.

When a heart becomes saved you can't help but sing.

And how can you not encourage everyone to sing along with you? When you hear Jonah sing, your heart recognizes more than just sound -  a guitar, a harmonica, a voice bringing laughter, joy, and hope.  You are gathered up in stories of love pursued and love lost - songs of a man seeking a Savior to come and save.  The songs are the invitation, the prayer we each sing:

Rescue me, if you're out there.

Do you love me, do you need me, do you want me?

I'm so lonely, can't you see I'm just looking for someone to rescue me?

We each need to be rescued.

We are each wondering if someone will be there when we really need them to be.

The words carry, and I am that little girl again, the one who longs to be known, to be seen, to feel she is special and desired and adored. That little girl doesn't leave; she is always there, asking the same questions.  And I am grateful for these songs that speak to what is most true. This Savior, who does the rescuing, reminds me I have never needed to save myself.  We all fall and need to be gathered up, to be reassured that our questions matter and are heard. And that is what Jonah loves to sing about too. What inspires his heart for song more than anything is the sharing of these questions that pierce the soul.

What if I fall, will you catch me?

What if I call, will you hear me?

What if I trust, will you help me?

What if I'm drowning, will you save me?

Having questions heard offers more than just answers. These are the questions buried, the questions that prompt the aches, the deepest desires of the heart rising up.  And this is how we hear music, letting ourselves in this world He has made, through the questions.  This is the meaning we seek.

Our hearts all recognize and heed the same song.

Our family loves Jonah, and I couldn't help but share his music with you. Want to win a free copy of Run, Jonah's latest album that just released last week?

I'm giving away four copies of Jonah's album, Run. (Your choice - digital or hard copy.)

I will announce the winners next Thursday, October, 15. You can enter the giveaway right here: a Rafflecopter giveaway And here is another post I wrote about Jonah's song, "Rain your Mercy". It's on his new album, Run (that you can win!) It's the song that makes me cry every. single. time I hear it. Oh, and jump up and dance, too. And don't forget to check out Jonah's other albums and let me know what you think.

What questions is your heart asking?  How are you longing to be rescued? 

* Lyrics from "What If I Fall?" from Jonah Werner's album Fight